Back when we were students, the only things our dictionaries could do were weigh down our backpacks and act as a home base during kickball. It's no secret that, like everything else, the Japanese have had better study aid options. Now not one, but three manufacturers announced new additions to their respective mega-dictionary handhelds: Seiko in conjunction with Franklin, and Canon. First up is Seiko's and Franklin's SII by Franklin DB-J990 which defies category conventions and opts for a slider design reminiscent of the Vaio UX rather than the usual clamshell. In addition to MP3 audio playback and support for common eBook formats, RSS, Word, and Powerpoint, it contains ten dictionaries, including The Princeton Review's "Cracking the TOEIC" test preparation, and boasts full PC connectivity, allowing users to access and manipulate all the information on their handheld from their computer (for instance, annotating words you're having difficulty with). Not to be outdone, Canon is offering a pair of dictionaries which also have MP3 playback: the Wordtank V300 ($471) and the Wordtank M300 ($386). Both devices have 38 reference guides in five subject areas, some with text-to-speech ensuring proper pronunciations. There is also a built-in voice recorder, so you can compare your articulation against the device's. The only differing factor between the two Wordtanks are in screen size and battery life: the V300 donning a 4.9-inch screen with 80 hours to the charge, versus the M300's 3.78-inch screen and 107 hours of life. Both Wordtanks should be available in Japan come February 2, and the DB-J990, which will retail for $295, will also be available in next month. For those not turned off by the usual not-for-the-U.S. disclaimer, you can peep pics of Canon's devices are after the break.
Read - SII by Franklin DB-J990
Read - Canon Wordtank M300
Read - Canon Wordtank V300
Dictionaries galore: Seiko and Franklin's DB-J990, Canon's V300 and M300
Dopod U1000
操作系统:Windows Mobile 5
数码相机:300 万 CMOS(为目前 PDA 手机最强),VGA 视讯屏幕,LED 闪光灯
处理器:Intel PXA270 624 MHz with ATi Graphic Chip W2284(目前 PDA 手机最高频率)
内存:ROM 256MB/ RAM 128MB/内置微型硬盘8G
传输接口:蓝牙 v2.0/ A2DP/ AVRCP、WiFi802.11b/g、USB 1.1(11-pin mini USB,充电、数据传输及声音)16 Pin 插座 -VGA 输出(标准配备);电视输出 S-Video/Composite 及USB 1.1 host,支持低电量USB(需选购有关配件);外接GPS 天线插座、3.5mm 立体声耳机插座、内置麦克风、双扬声器
GPS 芯片:SiRF III 芯片
外插记忆卡:MiniSD插槽,可支援至4GB Mini SDHC(SD2.0)
重量:375 克
通讯时间:待机 300 小时。通话 GSM 5.5 小时,UMT 4.5 小时
近期热门新机,prada、asus、sony BRAVIA、HTC Cavalier

sony BRAVIA 电视手机!
- 体积:111×50×19.5mm,重140克
- 支持最大2GB的micro-SD存储卡扩展
- 电子钱包FeliCa和3G漫游
- 200万像素CMOS主摄像头
- 10万像素CMOS副镜头实现视频通话
HTC Cavalier 采用 Samsung 400Mhz 处理器
支持 850/1900/2100 三频通讯的智能型手机
最具特色的地方在于支持 HSDPA 3.5G 传输
Skype 专用话机
经过半年,IPEVO 推出 free.2,为 Skype 专用话机 free.1 的后继机种。比起 free.1,free.2 最突出的特色在于增加白光 LCD [黑白]屏幕、配合专属录音软件的快速录音按键以及联络人群组快速键,联络人还可透过字母的方式作快速搜寻。其余功能则和 free.1 一样。
free.2 要价新台币 1,199 元(约人民币300元),比 free.1 只贵了 400 元(约人民币100元),况且 free.2 一推出 free.1 也一定停产。经常需要作 Skype 通讯的朋友可以考虑 free.2,不过对我们而言,我们更期待无线 Skype 电话 FLY.1 的推出。
[撰文:Atticus Wu]